Mirco Rituals

One Minute Self Care: 50+ Micro Rituals for Peace & Health


You might remember me saying many times in the past, “Tell Asshole Brain, JUST FIVE MINUTES.” Well, lately — I’m sure many of you are feeling this — five minutes seems like a really big chunk of time and effort.

FIVE minutes!? What do I look like? A freaking ultra marathoner?

So here we are, one minute.


Can you ask yourself many times throughout the day: What can I do for ONE MINUTE for MYSELF?

I asked members of our Facebook private group JoyBody Sanctuary what kinds of things they could imagine doing and we came up with quite the list. So here you are, in no particular order:

  1. Breathe deeply with your eyes closed

  2. Meditate/pray/chant

  3. SCREAM — right where you are or in a closed room or in the shower or into a pillow

  4. Jump up and down — HARD

  5. Rub your own head and neck and feet

  6. Place your hands on your heart center

  7. Walk outside and stand on ground (bare feet, please)

  8. Wash your face

  9. Lay on the floor and cry

  10. Lay on the floor and THROW A TANTRUM

  11. Warm up your cold coffee/tea

  12. Eat some dark chocolate

  13. Pet a cat or dog

  14. Punch a pillow as hard as you can for the full minute

  15. Release a lot of loud sighs. Be super dramatic about it

  16. Smack yourself — firmly all over your legs, around your hips, into your low back

  17. Brush your hair

  18. Go outside and just gaze at the sky — night or day

  19. Wash a few dishes; make your bed; do something to your house that makes you feel good

  20. Email or text a friend a positive message

  21. Go online and look at art (have some tabs already saved for this)

  22. Read a poem. Out loud

  23. SING

  24. Sniff your favorite essential oil. Dab some on your wrists

  25. Hug yourself in a cuddly blanket or hug someone who is with you

  26. Lie on the floor or your bed and stretch like a cat

  27. Tap all over your scalp

  28. Make a quick piece of art — take a photo, create a TikTok video, color, doodle

  29. Pull a tarot/oracle card and sit with it

  30. Bounce on a mini trampoline or ride your stationary bike

  31. Drink a big glass of water

  32. Take your vitamins

  33. Stand up if you’re seated and walk around; put your leg up on a chair or table

  34. Sit on the floor/squat

  35. If you have wooden floors, put on socks and skate around

  36. Go check the mail

  37. Go to youtube and watch a video of the ocean or your favorite city (have some ready in a folder so you don’t fall down a rabbit hole)

  38. Rearrange/clean an altar space in your house (or make a new one)

  39. Go to your books, randomly pick one, randomly open it, read. Let it speak to you

  40. Light some incense and walk around your space

  41. Light candles

  42. Write a haiku, a list of favorite things, a note to yourself to read later, a note to someone you love

  43. Leave a random note of kindness on someone’s Facebook page

  44. Dance. For one minute. To the sound of your own breath

  45. Put on some mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, whatever you like to embellish yourself

  46. Remember one of your favorite moments in your life. Recall as much sensory detail as you can

  47. Twirl. Use a big scarf

  48. Do you have a baton in your house? (Making this list and suddenly I want a baton again…)

  49. Juggle

  50. Play a round of Jax

Your turn… what could you add to this list?