Another free playlist: To send out intentions/energy/prayers

(Trees by Georgia O'Keefe)

Remember that I share these lists on both YouTube and Spotify so whichever one works best for you! AND remember that you can subscribe to my channels on either of those. (YouTube is a good idea because eventually I’ll be uploading teaching videos there.)

This new list is again under 30 minutes.

And it can be used in a variety of ways:

The first piece of music is a chant to Ganesha to clear obstacles. You might perceive obstacles to your intentions externally, but we also want to be sure we are clear internally.

The playlist can be approached with a very specific intention. It could be "aimed" at a specific person or group of people or part of the environment. Or you could be very general. Just be clear.

And take a moment after to sit in silence and imagine refilling your own energy well.