For a lot of reasons, over the past few months, I've been in more body pain than I have been since I started dancing again 11 years ago. 15 years ago, I was in so much pain that I thought I needed a cane (and I still need to write more about that…).
Dance took all the pain away. But over time and with a ton of daily work and deep devotion and awareness.
Now a lot of that pain is back... sigh...
But luckily I realized that I'm not doing some of the basics that I used to be very passionate about...including simply doing slow, circular, flowing movement earlier in the day to awaken everything.
I'm super stiff in the morning so this isn't about dancing but about getting things going.
It's about deep body listening.
And here you get to see me just PLOP against the wall at one point...because this is the work of it and sometimes we do things that aren't very graceful.