Why Embodiment Work is Not "Exercise," Part One of MANY

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NOTE: this was written way before we were at all aware of what was to come via this virus.

"Embodiment" is not just experienced on the individuated level. There is the body of family and the body of a circle of friends and the body of our society and many other bodies of which we are all members.

Our society's body is SICK right now. Obviously.

The process of healing BEGINS in the individual body that has been turned into a "disposable worker" in a large machine.

The process of healing begins in the individual body when we start to feel and BE IN these bodies in ways that the larger machine doesn't like. Meaning, when we become aware of our power.

We do that through creative expressions that put us back in touch with our original selves.

It saddens (and angers) me that we need "studies" and "numbers" to "prove" the truth of such obvious underlying truths.

First, by elevating certain intellectual pursuits, we clearly tell children that being good at A is way more important than being good at B.

What of the children who are so very excellent at B?

Second, this then creates our culture of blaming the poor for being poor in that people who were valued more in school for being good at A are then more valued in society and paid more for doing A.

Those who were good at other things that went unrecognized... then what?

Low paying jobs for the most part. With no insurance, no future security, etc.

Those people are then told to go back to school to "get better jobs."


Is not all human labor and creativity inherently dignified if we treat it as such? Is not all human labor worthy of a livable income. Take that a step further: are not all HUMANS "worthy" of the basics no matter what?

And humans should be valued based on what they're naturally good at? We are so far away from what we are meant to be...

As if humans should be "valued" over other humans in any way whatsoever.
