JoyList: Things that make me go OH!

I haven’t done this in a while so here are some things that are making me happy or feeding into my curiosity or making me go OH! in a big way. I hope some of them do the same for you.

This tai chi guy is one of my fave movers right now and his shorts on YouTube (and TikTok) are just the right bit of info to give me something to play with or think about with my movement.

We often think of “exercise” (not the movement play you and I do together) as activating of the fight or flight response on the brain level (and it is), but now research is showing the vagus nerve can be active too. I’m thinking that what you and I often do together is activating all kinds of safety in the body so I find this research interesting.

This podcast is delightful on many levels. The Movement Movement is hosted by a guy who talks in a way that totally reminds me of Jeff Goldblum. Same sorts of rhythms and phrasings. HY.STERICAL. BUT he also has a lot of great guests and he’s pushing the ideas around movement in ways that I appreciate and you will too. This particular episode has a section about healing touch that is compelling on an neuroscience level. They don’t call it healing touch but that’s what you, my woo sisters, would know it as. ((smile)) Here it is on Spotify and here it is on YouTube.

Speaking of Tai Chi, here’s one of my favorite choreographers whose work is grounded in Tai Chai, working with one of my favorite companies. When you’re watching, think about the body’s weight and gravity. It’s something we can all play with more.

I’m really digging this dancer who is currently in residency at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in NYC.

Pilates is notoriously NOT body inclusive. (And yes, there are exceptions…I’m about to talk to one…) THIS instructor on Instagram is working to change that (and here’s another with whom I’ve actually taken classes here in Columbus).

If you love earrings and art and artful earrings, please go and check out and support my friend Brandy Morris. She’s an amazing human doing beautiful work.

What has been bringing you joy? I’d love to hear! Please send me clips, links, whatever as you come across them. I love collecting all these shiny bits.
