Joy list: what's caught my interest lately

I have this list of blog posts that I keep staring at, wanting to share so much depth of thought with you all. Then I can’t fathom where I will get the brain energy to do any of it justice, so for now… a list.

If you’re not in the sanctuary or you don’t often check it out, you’re missing some good stuff so I’m here to remedy that.

To start, if you didn’t watch the Grammy’s, be sure to check out:

This performance by Miley Cyrus, whom I never thought I was such a fan of but apparently now am. Pay attention to the last minute especially.

And Annie Lennox paying tribute to Sinead. I mean, who else could have really done this?

This study shows it doesn’t take long at all to make an impact on your brain with some semi-vigorous dance. (This would mean that you can kinda talk but not be 100% comfortable talking.)

Here’s a reminder that you can still get Vitamin D on cloudy days… it just takes longer, but this makes it even more important to get outside when we don’t want to ((whine)).

If you need a super short and concise explanation about how we got to this single, angry male god version of religion, this is for you. (Just under three minutes.)

And this is one of my new favorite movers. She’s freaking amazing. And she’s an example of how dance is for ALL bodies. (As in… you know the traditional dance world would say no to her… grrrr…)

I just had someone ask me for a Kundalini yoga resource that I like, which is asking a lot because there’s a lot out there that is just meh. Or even just annoying. BUT I do like this person and her stuff is free on YouTube. (Though also remember that I offer a quickie class that is a combo of Kundalini and whatever else is floating my boat at the moment.)

So tell me…

What’s catching your interest lately? Books, movies, whatever! I WANT TO HEAR!!