Recently I watched this documentary (that’s available right now on Netflix) and I think about it every day. I’ll probably have to watch it again.
At first, I couldn’t understand this dancer’s appeal to anyone. Ohad Naharin adored her… took her to Israel out of university so that she could learn from him and be a central dancer in his company. OHAD! The dude I adore.
And then… then… she does her first solo piece. It’s in the nude. I’ve never seen a reason for the nude thing until this moment. It had to be in the nude. There was no other way for the piece to make sense, and within moments of watching her, you’re so captivated by her body’s ability to be truthful, that you stop noticing the nude aspect.
She is freaking amazing.
But one quote caught me:
“I wanna get to that place where I have no strength to hide anything.”
The level of vulnerability… what a warrior she is.
What a warrior we are all called to be.
Have you ever gotten near to this idea in your own life?
Are you willing to get near to this idea in your own life?
I’m sharing this and hoping it brings about a conversation because my mind is still spinning from it.