What the HECK is "Movement Art?"

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When I say "movement art" rather than dance or yoga or any other specific system, I mean to open your mind to possibility...

To the possibility that you can be a curious explorer of your own body's potential for creativity and expression rather than being a body that mimics and attempts to perfect.

To the possibility that your body is your main medium of expression in this life... no matter what you are doing... sitting, standing, choosing what to wear, moving through space in any way...

To the possibility that because your body is your main medium of expression that without taking time every day to be with that and explore that that you are missing out on a huge part of your life... that your life is smaller because you don't have this ability to listen to the way your body tells the story of your life... to the way your body is actually narrating your life and designing your life experience...

Without this level of consciousness, you are at the mercy of outside forces and general brain assholery and you'll never know your true potential whether in work or relationship with self or others.