Sacred Feminine Happy Hour Study Circle, 2nd Friday, Starting in October: When God was a Woman



You know how it is with our yoga classes — there’s usually some ((cough)) talking at the beginning. And there have been days when it felt like the world was collapsing in on itself and was I ever grateful for the women in community with me who showed up for class and understood that sometimes our deepest “yoga” is talking, yelling, crying, and just being together in shelter.

There were a couple of those times when it became really clear to me that there are so many of us who need some time dedicated to deep study, thought, and sharing, so here we go: SATSANG — a spiritual study circle.

(There will be beverages but you can bring your own, and remember, we share space with a PIZZA SHOP!)

We’ll be focusing on the sacred feminine in general, but for months at a time we’ll be focused on certain texts.

For our first few months, we’ll be looking at When God was a Woman by Merlin Stone. (That’s a link to the book on Amazon, but I encourage you to order a copy through an independent bookseller, like Pressed here in Erie.)

Even if you’ve read this, you’ve probably not read it in community.

The point is to work through this stuff in a way that it settles into our bodies. By that I mean, we’ll work in a way that is meant to lead to an eventual understanding of the material that affects our daily lives and spiritual practices.

We’ll start with the abstract, otherwise, and work toward the concrete and the material.

Here’s a loose idea of the calendar for this particular book — the dates are the dates but who knows if we’ll stick to this for the pages. It might take longer.

October 11th: Introduction through chapter 2

November 8th: chapter 3 through 5

December 13th: chapter 6 through 8

January 10th: chapter 9 through 11
