
When I say revolution begins in the body, I'm not using a metaphor.

Bodies in our predominately Judeo-Christian traditions are hated, seen as sin machines, but in our colonial capitalistic culture, they're also and further seen as disposable.

And there's, of course, a hierarchy of bodies in this disposable body world.


When we take back the body of self and the body of community, THAT is when real revolution has occurred.

But first we have to face a lot of hard truths and I thank Abi K Veld for making this piece of writing visible to me this morning. I don't even know what to share from it because it's WORTH YOUR TIME TO READ and then come back here and let me know what called you out most, what you need to dive into more, etc.

"the hardest part about processing this epidemic and how the social dialogue unfolds, and the thing i most hope people take with them if they just take one thing from this writing, is that if you carry a lot of unearned privilege and are therefore relatively free from oppression sickness (also called asthma, diabetes, addiction, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, hiv, etc, etc, etc) you will probably be fine if you get this thing...

...the “plandemic” bullshit comes in like this and convinces you of your righteousness, and of course it does: you want a way to have it not be your fault. you want to shirk privilege. you want to have your “spiritual but not religious” cake and eat it too. you want your mishmash of borrowed (oft stolen) traditions that you can practice on the weekend but in such a way that it never disrupts your social life or your participation in the economy. you want other oppressors to be at fault. you don’t want to be to blame for this."

READ the whole thing HERE. DO IT.