The Universe is Dance as Are You


Our culture has stolen the arts from their rightful place as community-building and healing medicine, contributed to and engaged in by every single human. We can take them back. We can decide not to let anyone's limited and often commercialized idea of them rob us of their gifts.

Dance is in your cells. Dance is in your DNA. Dance is your very structure, just as it is the structure of the universe.

Nothing stops moving that is alive, and even in death, we contribute to that movement as we are taken back into the ground and redistributed through the web of life on every level.

As long as there is breath, there is dance within you.

And in this way we express and process things that words can never touch.

In this way, we relate to each other beyond the limits of verbal language.

In this way, we build ecosystems of joy and love and kindness as we become more of those things ourselves through the act of expression and the resulting transmutation.
