JoyList: things I'm loving right now and hope you do too

And we will dive right in:

In response to an observation about a list of music being predominantly men in the sanctuary recently, I am creating (and will continue to add to) a women artists only joyful/happy/energy music list.

I suggest you listen on shuffle or you could use this list for a daily dance song. Just hit shuffle and say to yourself, “I will dance/move to whatever comes up!” (Music roulette like we used to play in the Erie studio.)

Not so joyful but very necessary is the following book I’m currently reading about Deep Medicine. It is laying new territory in my brain, to say the least, and I expect it will eventually impact the way I teach (if it hasn’t started to already).

My favorite quote so far (and I’m only a wee bit in): “…medicine is a social science and politics is nothing but medicine on a grand scale.” (The authors are quoting 1848 journal, Medical Reform.)

For a novel that has many of the same themes but told in a beautiful way, Everything the Light Touches or the most recent by one of my forever favorite authors, Louise Erdrich. If you go to that book link, you’ll be at my Goodreads.

If you need some happy mood lifting, I’ve been sharing quite a few kitten and flower videos on my TikTok. Excellent for mental health.

OH! If you haven’t gotten it yet, Katy Bowman’s newest book is so worth it. If you’re new to her work, it’s a great introduction to biomechanics in a practical way, and if you’ve been reading her and listening to her for a long time, it’s a great little refresher and go to resource for quick ideas and explorations. (If I already shared about this book, oops… and I’m not getting any kind of kickback. HA!)

Speaking of Katy, there’s a delightful and long conversation with her on this podcast. Use it for many walks!

Here’s one of my favorite current video/background sounds that I put on the TV all day long when I’m writing and working and moving. It’s enough to keep other weird noises covered but it also doesn’t interfere with my thinking.

And finally just a little reminder that I have a super small, private Facebook group now that is totally focused on neurodivergent brains. If you need community around that topic, feel free to ask to join.

And as always, if you’re not in the JoyBody Sanctuary or if you left and want back in, again, just ask to join. Doors are always open. As I currently describe it, it’s a soft place to land and a refuge from the hardness of the world.