
Ganesha Chaturthi: Rituals for these 10 Days

September 2nd through September 12th is a ten day celebration of the “birthday” of the Hindu God, Ganesha, the elephant headed God who removes obstacles.

First thing I did was go and get a new Ganesha statue (after having gotten rid of all my statuary when we moved to Vermont 3 years ago today, not realizing a) we’d move home again and b) I’d really want those darn statues!). I then took him to the lake’s edge and performed some simple ablutions. I also picked up a rock for my altar.

This year, I set up a really simple altar on a table in the main flow of our house so it’s always in a sight line and so I’m constantly thinking about my intentions around this time.


My altar includes: my new Ganesha statue, an incense burner, three candles, some favorite stones that are targeted toward my intention, the rock from the ablutions at the lake, and my mala that was handmade for me for my wedding.

My intention this year is about emotional obstacles — mainly whatever it is that is blocking me from really claiming my happy life. I don’t need to articulate it any more clearly than that. We don’t always need a million words of explanation for our feelings. They just are and eventually then can just change.

Each day, besides my focus on my intention, I’m spending time chanting to Ganesha, and I’m doing that by simply following along with this chant to him by Deva Premal.

My point is that none of this needs to be complicated. Do what feels right and good and have some consistency so you can naturally grow your devotion muscles.