A stock photo to demonstrate the EXACT OPPOSITE of what moving is like. FFS.
So yeah… as of August 26th, we are a mere…OH MY GOD! I HADN’T COUNTED THIS YET…TEN DAYS until we hit the road to Columbus. I am surround by messes and I am lethargic about it like any good ADHD leaning* procrastinator who needs massive time pressure and then turns into the most organized tornado of get-it-done energy ever.
I am freaking out, for sure. But why would I let moving an entire house full of stuff, including MANY cats, to another state stop me from also doing All the Other Normal Things?!
For example, I’ll be announcing a new session the week before we move AND I am here to say something rather important about one on one services.
I am STILL doing that too!
Seriously. As I told a friend/student, I NEED to be doing that. No matter what else is going on, this work is me and it grounds me. Keeps me sane.
So, please, don’t hesitate to register for one on ones. As soon as we move, I’ll be set up to work immediately. Which makes me super happy.
*I say this because I don’t have a diagnosis and I am in no way using this lightly.