“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.”
My view while I’m teaching via Skype and Facebook Live.
I’ve been offering things online — even live streaming — probably for almost 8 years, so that part of what’s happening was pretty easy for me to adjust to. And I don’t mind teaching online. I get to stay home in my little space and the overhead is, well, nothing.
It’s not been as easy for my local students who were used to being in the same room with each other. But they have learned/noticed rather quickly that community is community whether it’s 3D or not. The energy of our work is not dependent on proximity. It’s dependent upon trust and vulnerability.
But this is not to say I have not been challenged. I have been… BIG TIME.
This change has sent me (as I’m sure it has many) into a time of profound questioning.
What do I want to do in this world and why and how do I want to do it?
Am I spending my time well?
What if every moment of our time here really really matters (it does) and what it we treated it that way (we don’t)?
Recently, I had made some decisions about the “branding” of my work. (Branding is the word that works but it’s not my favorite.)
I’ve come to realize that those decisions were based in a fear about my own vulnerability.
I freaking TEACH people to allow vulnerability, to feel it, to know that it’s the only path to our truest expressions.
And I have discovered that I myself was still shying away from it.
I don’t think I would have noticed this so quickly if it hadn’t been for what we are going through collectively. I think I could have continued to fool myself about myself for quite some time.
But here we are…
Having our protective layers forcibly removed by circumstances.
Every generation has defining moments like this, and if we are lucky and if we are already a bit awake (though groggy), we will notice and we will evolve.
I’m trying to focus on the truth of that.