Be a Movement Rebel Fundamentals: Summer Session 2 (ONLINE) (57).jpg

WHERE: ONLINE, via Skype

TIME: Mondays, 5:30 to 6:40 PM (Eastern Time)

DATES: July 20, 27 and August 3, 10, 17, 24

HOW: For this session, you need to also be familiar with/able to use Spotify. It’s free. But I’ll be providing a music list BEFORE each class. While I’m teaching, ALL MICS MUST BE OFF, except for mine. You’ll be listening to the music at your end (providing more volumn and clarity) AND you’ll still be able to hear me (I’ll be using an earbud for my own music.)

COST: $80


I’ve gone through a gazillion transformations with this work that started 11 years ago, and for the first time ever, I feel like I have finally found some ways to talk about it that really give you a feeling for what we are doing.

I am a Kinetic Liberator.

What the heck does that mean?!?

Well, it means about a thousand things, but to start, it means that I am here to guide you into your own body’s ways of moving in this world that will bring you to a place in which you are able to truly enjoy living in your body.

I’m here to guide you into a fuller relationship with your body via her unique vocabulary — not the vocabulary of someone else’s body or anyone else’s ideas of forms and postures and steps.

Also I’m here to make space for bodies that were often told they didn’t belong in certain places — like dance classes or yoga studios (I’m not saying ALL have been exclusionary BUT I am saying that far too many of my students have this shared experience).

I’m here to make space for different bodies to move in ways that have been culturally deemed “only for (insert body type).”

I’m here, too, to cut the cord connecting permission and a male or other gaze. Meaning, your body moving is for YOU… not for anyone else to “enjoy” or partake of in any way.

Besides how I’m here to guide you via your body, I’m here to help in another way:

I’m here to show you that you can literally MOVE YOUR CRAP, cut through all the old stories, build a new way of being, and that you don’t need to talk it all to death.

So that’s me… what’s the work for you?

I want you to embrace yourself as a Movement Rebel.

As a movement rebel, you come to each and every class with no preconceived notions.

You come with no mat, no shoes, no special equipment.

The only equipment you need is CURIOSITY and FASCINATION.

As a movement rebel, you know all you need is you.

What do we actually do?

From week to week, this evolves. Constantly. But there are some things that create a sense of familiarity so that we can be brave in the face of all that change:

We always start class on the floor, seated (though this can be done in a chair), and we always start with the breath and with a series of circular movements throughout the body.

This gets us grounded and settled and warmed up.

Then we explore individual body parts for a segment of the class. We might spend a whole song moving with just the hands, for example.

And finally, we get into more poetic work toward the end, using prompts designed to disconnect thinking mind so you can really get to know your rebel self.


Are you ready?
