If you’ve been in class with me, you know we end with a “show me.” I observe as you allow your body to express what needs to be expressed. The whole class leads to this moment of deep honesty, and it can be revealing in unexpected ways. Truths can be felt and seen by both the movers and the observer.
Sometimes it’s just a bit of relief in beginning to access some larger truths that will take longer to allow. But sometimes these moments are full of big ideas and revelations that lead all of us to say AH-HA!
These moments can be profoundly impactful. They can be those sorts of “turn on a dime” life changing, mind changing eurekas.
This week during one of my online Peony classes, something of that big sort was revealed.
I was watching Linda Soto move. She started with soft, water like movement that felt soothing even just to observe. The energy was safe and felt healing.
This went on for a few minutes until suddenly she broke into childlike playful movement that was full of joy and strength.
AH-HA! Right?
It struck me how much we want to go right for that latter sort of movement — whether on the dance floor or in our lives — without first taking care of ourselves.
It struck me how childlike wonder, awe, curiosity, playfulness, and joy really need safety in order to emerge. That childlike part of you needs to know it’s okay to come out, that there will be no judgment, that there will be no harshness of any kind.
But often, even when we’re doing these somatic dance practices that are meant to bring us to our own original totality, we go at them so hard. We try so hard. We work so hard.
If we’re not trying and working hard, we might even feel like we’re “lazy” or “not deserving.” Old stories overcome our original loving intentions.
The reality is that we deserve to be safe. We deserve to feel safe. We deserve communities that are safe for this work.
The child in us who might not have gotten enough of that safety deserves it from us now.
So let’s practice — in all things — first creating softness and offering a soothing environment — and then like I always say, breathing and waiting and allowing.
What part of you life can you imagine playing with this idea in? Where will you take it first?