It may seem that I teach movement. I do not. I teach compassion for self and others. I teach the building of healthy communities of care and support. I teach vulnerability married to self empowerment.
Elder dancer, Flo, who understood the prayer aspects of this work better than almost any other student I’ve ever had.
I do this in the context of movement because we need better ways of being together and growing together. AND we need ways that aren't about food or alcohol or even WORDS because all of that can so easily get in the way.
I do this in the context of movement, too, because most of us are desperately disconnected from the primal power and essential wisdom of these bodies.
If we weren't disconnected from our bodies we would not SETTLE for SO LITTLE in these lives.
We would not EVER settle for ANY kind of abusive "love."
We would never ever tolerate "leaders" who do not give a shit about us.
We would never ever feel LACK and so we'd create a culture of giving and taking care of.
If we weren't disconnected from these bodies, we would never drink the poison of toxic masculinity, white supremacy, and patriarchy.
All systems of oppression, whether internal or external, count on us remaining numb to our feelings, numb to our intuitions, numb to our wisdom, numb to our power, and especially numb to our connections to each other and to this world.
When we re/member ourselves through movement, we are practicing re/membering what we are actually here to do — to love one another so that each of us can be fully ourselves. That’s it.