Years ago, when I was going through a massive transformation that was painful, I did one really smart thing. I don’t remember why and I can’t remember where this came from but…
I created a question that I lived from:
What does my heart need/want right now to open/remain open/open more?
That’s it.
And that question was utter magic.
I asked it every day in the morning and before bed as I did my rituals.
And I asked it throughout the day.
Recently I shared this question with a student who took the work of it seriously and she reported back that it shifted everything for her.
Here’s a warning about this question: it is tender and easily eaten by any kind of depression, grief, rage, despair.
This question is a sort of tending to your life but the question itself also needs to be tended to.
The second you start ignoring it in favor of feeding the heart-closing aspects of your current situation, this question starts to… slowly fade away.
You won’t notice because it will be such a soft leaving. And years later, something will happen and you’ll wonder whatever happened to that question practice that was changing you so much on a spiritually cellular level.
I know of what I speak. I lost sight of this question… I can’t really pinpoint when.
Did it happen when I got really busy being super happy? It can happen then.
Or did it happen when I hit a wall of despair after a bunch of difficult events? It most certainly can happen then.
It doesn’t matter, though. It happened.
And here I am, remembering because I knew someone else needed this.
Which is a huge reason for my teaching. You all help me to re-member so much of myself every day.
I’m going to rebuild practices around this question and I would love to know if and how you would be joining me.