Online Classes

Landing in Your Body and Not Separating Your Self into Parts

I love this quote not because of its accuracy but because it makes us think about how much we separate all of our parts -- physical, spiritual, emotional, psychological, and intellectual.

And when we separate, we create instant cultural based hierarchies of those parts with bodies and emotions usually thought of as less than and intellect and spirit/soul as "higher."



It's all one. We're all one. There's no transcending any of our parts or any of our experiences. There's just being brave enough to be IN. IT. ALL.

When we dance or practice physical methods, we might for an instant think we've gone "above" or "out of," but what's really happened is we've finally landed.

If you want to explore all of this more directly, registration is open for December Quickie Yoga and Peony Method classes.

I’m extra excited about the Tuesday class (or whenever you want to use the recording):

Fundamentals of Narrative Based Movement Art to Rewire the Brain for Joy

We’ll be exploring how to strengthen the positive connections in your brain via happy memories. We’ll use guided meditations, sensory awareness, and focused breath to bring the memory fully into the body and then practice different movement prompts to solidify the positive sensory information and corresponding memory stories.

If you’ve never taken a class with me before, THIS will be a great place to start.

To register for this or yoga or the Thursday FASCIA FOCUSED class, go here.

Calming your nervous system, diving into basics, and exploring connection

NOVEMBER CLASSES start next week of course:

For November QUICKIE Yoga, we'll be focusing on the parasympathetic nervous system so lots of breath work, including new practices, and lots of work with the vagus nerve.

For November PEONY METHOD, Tuesdays (and I'm excited about this) we'll be deep diving into all the basics. Whether you've been with me a long time or are new, beginner mind is such a fruitful space to inhabit!

Thursday PEONY METHOD will remain focused on the fascia. There's just so much to do with that material... we've barely begun!

REGISTRATION and more details here.

SURPRISE! Sunday night Kundalini Yoga for six weeks starting October 17th!

I know… it’s been a while since we’ve done the Sunday evening thing. I taught Sunday nights for so very long and the break has felt good but we need this longer, one hour practice.


I’ll be offering a six week session of this every couple of months. I won’t be running these one after the other like I do other classes. Just a heads up!


As always, you can participate live or watch the video on your own or do both, because the videos stay available for the whole session.

I’ll stream out of Zoom.

You’ll get the recordings in a private Facebook group.

Music will be provided via a Spotify list and a YouTube list. You’re in charge of using it for yourself or you can do this class in silence, of course.


DATES: Sundays, October 17, 24 (skipping Halloween), and November 7, 14, 21, 28
TIME for LIVE: 5:30 PM (Eastern United States) to 6:30 PM (and I get online at about 5:20 if you wanna chat)
COST: $85 (for six classes that you can use over and over during the six week period)
*As always, if the cost is a stretch, just message me and we’ll figure it out. Please don’t miss out for that reason.


If you’ve never done my Kundalini classes, go here for more details about my approach.

For this session, we’ll be going back to basics. Which is pretty much what we always do in Kundalini but we’ll be re/membering this practice form the ground up.

October Session Themes: Overall joint health and connection to self and others via the fascia

October classes start next week, of course. Please remember that these are LIVE but also RECORDED. So you get the best of both worlds. The recordings don’t disappear after 48 hours like in so many virtual studios. You have access to them for the whole month.

In quickie yoga, we’ll be focusing especially on the lower three chakras and the joints of the lower body, including lots of FEET action. The goal is more emotional balance with its mirrored physical body balance.

For Tuesday’s Peony Method, we’ll be focusing on exploring all the joints of the body. This will be a freeing investigation of mobility, strength, and internal alignment.

For Thursday’s Peony Method (excuse the 80s chick who wrote the title for the class), we’ll be deep diving into the fascia and what that means for your individual body but also how that awareness affects your body in space and in relation to all other bodies.

Go here to register.

As usual, if payment is, for any reason, difficult, just email me.

Things Pretty Much Suck and Yet We Still Must...

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I’m writing this the day after the Texas fuckery. I don’t have the capacity to really write about that yet. I’m seething.

It feels like the world is just falling apart… or imploding… Like I said, I don’t have the words yet.

Which makes me feel like, oh, right, duh… movement.

Isadora Duncan was once asked what one of her dances MEANT, and she said, “If I could tell you then I wouldn’t need to dance.”


At times like this, it can be easy — for me anyway — to succumb to an externally created depression. To just give up. Lay down. Do nothing.

Which is what evil shits want, right?

Getting into these bodies and feeling the anger and the grief and the overwhelm is the only way. Once we do that, we can start transforming that energy into something to counter what’s happening — even just in tiny bits at a time.

Like in that image to the right… I was working some serious stuff out there. Without the need for words.

Anyway… like I said… I’m feeling pretty quiet.

But if you need space to move and be with others, the next session starts on Tuesday, September 7th.

All the yoga and movement art are right here.

AND remember that you can participate live or use the video whenever you want.


August Movement Art: Thursday Evening (Or Use the Video)

REMINDER: Go here to learn HOW to do these Zoom classes. Classes are live but are recorded so you do not have to be present during the live. You also can be present and not have your camera on if you’re uncomfortable for any reason.


Time: 5:30 to 6:30 PM (Eastern United States time)
Dates: August 12, 19, 26, September 2
Cost: $65

The PATTERN of class (if you’re new to this):


Class always starts on the floor (or in a chair), exploring circular and spiral movements, especially in the spine. This is the most that the class is led in any traditional sense of that word.

For most people, the class is done either with closed eyes or downcast eyes so that they can focus on themselves and not be distracted. This is not a dance class with mirrors where people are staring at you and you’re being judged and corrected. (If I haven’t already made that clear.)

From that beginning, we make our way through explorations of joints, muscles, and segments of the body. No matter how long you take these classes, we’re always looking to learn something new about ourselves and these bodies. We try to approach our movement art practice each week as if we've never done it before.

Finally we start playing with the poetry of the body… FEELING our way into moving, followed by either some partner or group work to reground in community. (Yes, even virtually this can be done.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here, on Facebook, or via email.

August Quickie Kundalini Yoga: A Return to the Spiritual Foundation

Yep. Just like clockwork…

During the summer, I tend to focus more on the physical and then in late summer/start of school year time, I start feeling the shift back toward the deeper spiritual work of Kundalini yoga.

So here we go…

For this four week session (as usual, twice a week for 20 minutes; recorded if you can’t make the “lives”), you’ll still get all the usual types of great, simple, effective primal-like movements along with all the wonderful breath techniques, but we’ll be increasing the focus on the breath stuff even more, and adding in a bunch more of the meditative aspects (which as you know in kundalini does not mean there’s not movement…).

We’ll also be using a moment at the beginning of each class to sit with a tiny reading from a tantric text like the Radiance Sutras.

This all feels really necessary to me so I hope it sounds good to you too!

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LOCATION: Online, either live or videos on your own time
DATES: Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31, and September 2
TIME: 10:30 AM to 10:50 AM (Easter United States time)
I get online at about 10:20 in case anyone needs to talk.
COST: $55 (includes access to me in a private Facebook group and access to the classes for the entire 4 weeks. Links do not expire during that time.)

If you’ve never done yoga with me before, read here.

If you’ve never had a zoom class with me before, read here.

PLEASE NOTE: You must be willing to be in a private Facebook group to access these classes.

July Quickie Yoga: Gently Finding & Strengthening Your Core and Inner Fire

LOCATION: Online, either live or videos on your own time
DATES: Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, and August 3, 5
TIME: 10:30 AM to 10:50 AM (Easter United States time)
I get online at about 10:20 in case anyone needs to talk.
COST: $55 (includes access to me in a private Facebook group and access to the classes for the entire 4 weeks. Links do not expire during that time.)

If you’ve never done yoga with me before, read here.

Me and my co-teacher…

Me and my co-teacher…

If you’ve never had a zoom class with me before, read here.

PLEASE NOTE: You must be willing to be in a private Facebook group to access these classes.

For this four week session (as usual, twice a week for 20 minutes; recorded if you can’t make the “lives”), we’ll be doing some of our favorite Kundalini yoga, but each day, we’ll also be exploring how to access and strengthen your core.

That may sound funny but I am constantly meeting women who aren’t sure they’ve ever actually, truly used their core.

And by core, I don’t mean your front tummy area, but the entirety of all the muscles around and through the torso. Think of it more as a “corset.”

We WILL NOT be doing “crunches” or anything of that crappy sort. HA!

This class is meant for anyone of any level. I’ll be providing plenty of modifications.

In Kundalini, this area also corresponds to your willpower and your capacity to create your life, so we’ll be working on that too!